In Carol Dweck's Mindset interview she talks about fixed vs growth mindset. At the beginning of last school year at our first pre-planning meeting our Assistant Principal talked about this subject. It was the first I had heard of it. We played a little game to determine whether we are fixed or growth mindset ourselves. If we were a fixed mindset our AP wanted us to try and change that outlook. If we are fixed then how can we expect our students to be growth minded? To achieve my own learning goal of helping students grow into digitally fluent students then I have to teach with a growth mindset. My lessons need to be creative enough that the students can apply it and grow from it. Ms. Dweck stated that a growth mindset individual looks at their own brains as sponges that continually absorbs information. I want to encourage my students that the growth mindset does not stop after high school or college. It is necessary to be successful in a career as well. Like she said in her video you have to know to admit mistakes and learn from them. Every person in this world makes mistakes frequently. I want my students to come up with solutions to problems when they make a mistake. Our society changes at such a rapid pace that you have to be open to these changes and grow with them or you will be left behind. Most people know someone in the older generation that is "set in their ways" and do not want to learn new things. This fixed mindset keeps them from connecting not only with the world but their family and friends.
I really feel as though I have a growth mindset when it comes to anything and especially towards information fluency skills. The last thing I want to do is take the easy route and get into a fixed mindset and be left behind. The world with keep growing around us and we have to make sure we keep up with it. It is not always easy. So far in the two courses I am taking, I have struggled to figure some things out and not being around classmates makes it that much harder. In undergraduate work, you rely on peers to help you understand, get the work done, and hold each other accountable.
I am also struggling to figure everything out for my classes, but once I have I feel so proud of myself. I think that we as teachers tend to want students to figure things out and be curious of foreign ideas and concepts. However, many of my 8th graders whine and complain when given a challenging assignment or activity. I am hoping that if I change my presentation then maybe I can receive more positive feedback. I thought that I would never figure out how to set up an RSS through my Pearltree account, but I tried and googled and think I did it right. I liked that the AP of your school saw the importance of having a growth mindset and encouraged teachers to become more growth minded.
ReplyDeleteI laughed as I read about your struggles with the technology we are using in these classes because I have had the same problems with the same technology. I am still a bit perplexed about Twitter but also see the value in networking and sharing with other educators. I love that you noted that we cannot teach our students to have the growth mindset if we have a fixed mindset. I have only been teaching for 8 years and already I have seen some huge changes and have modified the way I do things. The things that I did eight years ago would not cut it in our world of technology. I have to adopt the growth mindset and continue to make mistakes and learn so that I can be a better teacher.
ReplyDeleteIt has taken me many hours to figure out how to blog, tweet, and use other digital tools too. Since I'm a much older student, I must tell you it was a relief to me to hear another student is having to learn about them too. I'm finding reading blogs from other students is helping me connect with students in our class. I don't feel so isolated in my struggles.Just like Stacy, I've been a bit perplexed about twitter too. I've become a huge fan of youtube tutorials. I can't believe I didn't know tutorials were available on youtube. I thought it was just "funny" videos people posted online. I was fascinated your assistant principal had discussed growth mindset with you. Have you noticed a change with your students since you have adjusted your lessons?
ReplyDeleteI feel many of us have been left behind with technology and the librarian can make a huge difference for the school. I was excited to learn we can help create growth mindsets in our students.
I think it is really cool that the admin at your school worked on this topic. Truthfully the fixed mindset mentality is one of the biggest things that I have seen hold schools back. I am taking three classes this summer and I can definitely say that having all of this new technology dropped on me at once has reminded me what it feels like to be a high school student and have so much new information dropped on me at once. I've had to learn to kind of slow down and master one thing at a time.